The corporate governance practices and the disclosures are need based,
complied with the statutory and the regulatory requirements of the Companies
Act, 2013, together with all the relevant Clauses of the Listing Agreement
and all the others applicable laws. The Company’s Corporate Governance
policies and the practices are also in accordance with the amended Clause 49
of the listing agreement. A report on the Corporate Governance along with
the Auditors Certificate forming part of the Director’s report, being
annexed herewith.
Code of Conduct for Independent Directors
Schedule IV
Our corporate governance policies recognise the accountability of the Board
and the importance of its decisions to all our constituents, including
customers, investors and the regulatory authorities and to demonstrate that
the shareholders are the cause of and ultimate beneficiaries of our economic
activities. The functions of the Board and the Executive Management are well
defined and are distinct from one another. We have taken a series of steps
including the setting up of sub-committees of the Board to oversee the
functions of Executive Management. These sub-committees of the Board, which
mainly consists of Non-Executive Directors, meet regularly to discharge
their objectives.
The Compliance Officer
Medicaps Ltd.
Mhow-Neemuch Road,
Pithampur, Districrt Dhar (M.P.)
Sub : Confirmation of Compliance of the Code of Conduct of Medicaps Limited.
I ------------ (name), -------------------- (designation) of the Company, do hereby confirm that I have fully complied with the provisions of the Code of Conduct of the Medicaps Limited. for the Accounting year ending on 31st March, 200__.
Signature --------------
Name -----------------
Date --------------
Place -------------